Mettler Toledo has launched new WMC weigh modules for embedded weighing and in-process control in system operations and critical instruments.
Mettler Toledo_WMC weigh modules
The ultra-compact weigh modules support single and multiple-sensor integration in places where installation space is critical. The sensor has a width of just 1” and is the smallest weighing sensor in the world. It has the capacity to resolve 2,000,000 divisions with optimum accuracy and quick stabilization.
The WMC weigh modules are flexible and can be used as single units and also as parallel weighing arrays to increase throughput.
The WMC weigh modules can be used for assembly systems, parts handling and for testing quality control systems in manufacturing and assembly machinery. They can be applied in capsule and tablet testing systems, laboratory automation systems as well as in packaging and filling industry for small volume-filling systems and quality control systems.