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Solution Sensors' New Patented Sensor Technology can Detect Gunpowder

In the year 2016, there were 476 mass shootings! Between the years 2013 and 2016, there were over 150,000 gun violence incidents or deaths. There have already been 40 mass shootings this year!

Shooter 1 and 2 from Gunpowder Detector Mass Shooting Video. (Credit:

Solution Sensors, Inc. launches technology for the first-ever portable gunpowder detector. It is capable of detecting gunpowder across barriers and from a great distance. Owing to its easy portability, the innovative sensor can be used almost anywhere.

Members of the Solution Sensors, Inc. were the first to use the patented technology to locate survivors from calamities such as mine collapses. Some of the members were a part of the search for survivors after the 9/11 attacks of the World Trade Center.  

Since then the technology for gunpowder detection and other rescue uses has been advanced; however, the original device, LifeGuard™ continues to be put to use in the search for stowaways in shipping containers, and for survivors of earthquakes and mine collapses.

Mass Shootings - New Gunpowder Detector will Save Lives

In the last couple of years, Solution Sensors, Inc. has been fine-tuning the technology and is currently progressing towards creating a personal detection device. Solution Sensors, Inc. had established that the technology works, showcased its capabilities with law enforcement, and taken into consideration their feedback. The company has finalized its development plan to progress to the next key milestone. The next step is to speed up the implementation of its development plan. The plan is to expand their technical team and work with their development partners so that the sensor can be digitized and tested.

Solution Sensors’ technology powers the detection device which performs accurate detection of gunpowder that is found in all current handguns, shotguns, and rifles. Furthermore, the detector can detect loaded firearms and smokeless gunpowder bombs inside cars in traffic stops, in a huge crowd, or behind walls and doors.

Upon completion of the preliminary version of the sensor, the Solution Sensors, Inc. team had many interviews with law enforcement officials belonging to security companies and government departments. The officials are all hopeful and positive about the novel gunpowder detector sensor.

Solution Sensors, Inc. plans to launch a video describing the alarming Mass Shooting Statistics in order to raise awareness to the record number of mass shootings in the US alone.

*Mass Shooting Statistics according to Mass Shootings Tracker. Gun Violence incidents or deaths during the same three years published on Gun Violence Archive.

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