Image processing can be used to accelerate, control and optimise processes. When artificial intelligence comes into play, the range of applications becomes even wider. This is especially true for agriculture and the food industry, as highly varying objects and processes are difficult to control with hard-coded machine vision applications. What does this mean in particular and which solutions prove themselves in practice? This is what the May event of the IDS Vision Channel is about.
The IDS Vision Channel is a video and online event platform of IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH, one of the leading companies for industrial image processing. IDS regularly presents new products and technologies there and gives helpful tips on their application. For the one-hour event on 31 May, there will also be two guest speakers.
How can it be ensured that the consumer does not find any annoying shell fragments in end products such as muesli, biscuits or chocolate? Strelen Control Systems GmbH has developed a way to detect nuts and separate them from unwanted by-products and contaminants. The system is even able to detect quality defects in products – for example mould, dehydration or residues on the surface. The IDS Vision Channel explains how this works and how users benefit from it.
Genie Enterprises will present the trends and possible uses of data, sensors, cameras and artificial intelligence in the field of smart farming with practical examples. The company looks at scenarios that can already be used as well as areas where research is currently underway: from cameras to monitor the health of vines to an artificial nose for wine aromas to optimise crop protection.
IDS familiarises the audience with the possibilities of the AI system IDS NXT, focusing in particular on the question of why artificial intelligence is useful in dealing with highly varying products and how the technology can be used if the user has no prior knowledge of deep learning or camera programming.

In summary, the online event is dedicated to the following questions:
- How can I ensure the best product quality in food processing?
- How can I detect plant diseases in the vineyard at an early stage?
- How can I use AI-based image processing without prior knowledge of Deep Learning?
Registration for the session "The Future of Farming and Food Processing – AI in Food- and FarmAutomation" is free of charge and is available at
Article Revisions
- Jan 28 2025 - Meta Description has been updated to fall inline with Google recommendations