Embracing the latest digital marketing technology has resulted in a huge boost in business for award-winning manufacturers of scientific, multi-parameter water testing and water level monitoring equipment Aquaread.

Using Search Marketing for Technical Industry
“Our relationship has grown rapidly and we can see a massive return on our investment.” Encouraging words from Aquaread’s Managing Director, Craig Harrison. By taking an integrated approach to search marketing, Sleeping Giant Media have increased Aquaread’s global brand awareness, augmenting traffic to their site, and leading to a significant increase in both direct enquiries and sales.
The client and their online marketing goals
Aquaread are award-winning manufacturers of scientific, multi-parameter water testing and water level monitoring equipment. Some of the applications of this equipment include aiding the identification of pollutants and changes to water quality that could affect aquatic ecosystems, which if left undetected could have devastating environmental consequences. Aquaread’s devices are sold via 70 plus distributors around the world. Their overarching digital marketing goal is to increase initial enquiries and sales of their water testing equipment. Sleeping Giant Media work with Aquaread to enhance awareness of their brand, which is facilitated by improving their position on search engine result pages, resulting in increased website visitors and lead generation.
The Campaign
In order to improve Aquaread’s position on search engine result pages, Sleeping Giant Media use a technique called search engine optimisation. We have worked with Aquaread to develop their website and expand the written content to make sure that it complies with Google’s guidelines for best practice. The aim is to make your website as search engine friendly as possible, while retaining an excellent user experience. This serves to improve search engine rankings and reduce bounce rates, that is the percentage of visitors leaving the website without having gone further than that first page they landed on.
We introduced Aquaread to pay per click advertising, and have managed several targeted campaigns that bring more relevant traffic to their site. Developing the site and expanding content ties in well with the pay per click campaign because we’ve been able to keep the user on the website for longer, which is important when you’re paying each time that user clicks through to the site from an advert. Aquaread’s pay per click campaign is aimed at an international audience, not just the UK. To ensure that we are monitoring the impact of our work, we have set up tracking and goals.
The Results
Our Aquaread marketing work has shown some impressive results. From July 2012 to July 2013, we have seen a 416% increase in conversions, 361% increase in conversion rate and a 69% decrease in cost per conversion.
According to Craig Harrison, Aquaread came to Sleeping Giant wanting to increase [their] exposure and market presence in certain countries around the world. This has been quantified by the direct orders [they] are seeing as a result of working with SGM. They also wanted an increase in sales in the UK. This has been quantified as [they] are getting a lot more enquiries in the UK directly, rather than through [their] distributors. Craig Harrison has also told us that all new customers in the UK are as a result of the work that we have done because they have no UK distributors. To hear more about what Craig thinks about Sleeping Giant Media, watch our YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rziOpVwFqGM&feature=share&list=TL_yFfpxh97i9cZoVVD2RqIoxXuooeCoHM.
The aim of the brief was to increase brand awareness, which is happening so this is really positive. Because of this brand awareness, people are asking for the products, and distributors are selling more of them and ordering more from Aquaread. Anthony Klokkou, Sleeping Giant Media’s client services director, says that it’s been great working with Aquaread: “They’ve really embraced digital marketing and the integrated approach in particular. We’ve been able to yield some fantastic results.”
Sleeping Giant Media are a fast growing search marketing agency based in Kent. Working with international businesses, our core services centre around pay per click (paid search), search engine optimisation, social media marketing, search training, mobile marketing, analytics and online reputation management.
It's our job to make sure our client's customers can find them online so that site traffic, and therefore, sales are increased.
For further information please contact Www.sleepinggiantmedia.co.uk, [email protected] and 01303 240715.