Jan 16 2015
In addition to EtherNet/IP the EyeSens vision sensors by EVT now also support the field bus standard Profinet IO and therefore can communicate with both of the most common communication standards of industrial Ethernet.

With Profinet it is possible to create solutions for the product engineering, process automation, building automation as well as for the whole spectrum of the drive and control technology or the synchronous motion-control-applications.
For the EyeSens vision sensors the conformity class A (CC-A) was used. This class makes a fast real time communication with a superordinated control possible. All functions of the discrete In- and Outputs (Trigger, handshake as well as all results) can be communicated via Profinet.
Especially in big plants with numerous sensors and actuators the time and effort of installations are reduced considerably with Profinet. First, there is no need for the complex IO-cabling of every single sensor and second, the network integration is configured easily via drag-and-drop-function.
The EyeSens vision sensors contain specific EyeVision commands and are available for various applications such as e.g. OCR/OCV or bar code reading, object detection, pattern matching, measurement technology, color control, etc. The compact cameras are equipped with either lens and illumination or as C-Mount version.