Kevin Shaw, CTO of Algorithmic Intuition, spoke to AZoSensors about Algorithmic Intuition's expertise and their attendance at TDK's Developers Conference.
Please tell us a bit about Algorithmic Intuition.
Algorithmic Intuition builds advanced Machine Learning / Deep Learning (ML/DL) algorithms for Sensor applications. Our founding team built Sensor Platforms Inc (acquired 2014) where we designed Sensor Fusion and Context Awareness algorithms for the mobile phone industry. Now we are leveraging the continuing advances in Machine Learning and applying them to sensors in healthcare. Our initial product, ADLcare™, uses inertial sensors to monitor elderly adults to identify Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), falling/stumbling and vitals. This is critical for the millions of elderly adults in the United States who want to live at home but need the support and assistance that advanced technology can provide.
What is sensor fusion?
It's rare that one sensor can tell you everything you need to understand a problem. People depend on sight and sound…and smell, when they walk into a restaurant to decide if it’s the right place for dinner. Sensor Fusion is the digital equivalent, where several sensors, measured at the same time, are combined to yield better insight into a problem. For example, an accelerometer can track motion and translation, but not rotation; where as a gyroscope can track rotation but not translation. Combining the two provides a better understanding of motion. Now as more cost-competitive sensors become available we are seeing a renaissance in new sensor products and most of them are bringing together multiple sensors.
What technologies and solutions does Algorithmic Intuition offer?
The challenge with sensor fusion that its often not clear how to combine sensors to get the best result. With Machine Learning / Deep Learning we can leverage rich algorithms and large data sets to find optimal solutions that are computationally more efficient, more robust and more accurate. Even then the design challenges are enormous and we at Algorithmic Intuition believe, with our decades of experience, that we can solve these challenging applications faster and better. ADLcare™ is a prime example where we have brought sensors together in a new platform to service a population in need.
What makes you unique in the marketplace?
Machine learning for sensor applications requires a unique approach to product applications. Most of the ML/DL/AI research has been focused on the big industries of speech recognition, vision recognition, autonomous driving and similar. Little effort has gone in the demands for efficient, time-based sensor measurement and their applications. This is a large and growing field and we believe we can lead in the field.
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