Feb 4 2016
For mounting cameras, vision sensors, mini-PC, displays and lighting for machine vision, EVT presents now EyeMount. The mounting and positioning system disposes the usual flaws of the conventional fixtures. EyeMount offers a permanent fixation of the monitoring unit. It is also possible to carry out an aligned adjustment, without an involuntary rotary movement. The mounting is also very easy. This means that the positioning can be reproduced and the for mounting and adjustment the user only needs two Allen keys.
For mounting cameras, vision sensors, mini-PC, displays and lighting for machine vision, EVT presents now EyeMount.
EyeMount can be adjusted to the demands of the user. As there is a separation between the clamping device and the socket or the mounting plate, there is no need for „improvising“ any more and the user can save a considerable amount of time. Also all mounting possibilities are on offer, because various different mounting plates are available.
An advantage is the angular form of the poles instead of round poles, because the angular poles reduce the radial variance and – as alread mentioned above - involuntary rotary movements can thereby be avoided. Most important is the explicit, reproducible and documentable positioning of the visual inspection unit. Despite these facts, the vernier adjustment in both directions – horizontal and vertical – is also given. And all desired variance is also given.
EyeMount is available for all cameras and vision sensors. Especially with the new hardware from EVT. Smart cameras as e.g. the EyeCheck 9xxx Series or the smart thermal imaging camera EyeCheck Thermo, are enclosed into an EyeMount housing. Also the EyeBOX, the new quad core ARM processor from EVT, is built into an EyeMount housing. On customers request there is also the Camera Case EyeMount (CCEM) for Basler and IDS cameras available. So the cameras gain the protection class IP65 or IP67.