Kistler has launched Type 9393A sensors having a force ranging from 0 to 700 kN with a potentiality to monitor quasi-static, as well as, electrical forces. The sensor is available in three different measurement versions: 0 to 100%, 0 to 10%, and 0 to 1%.
Kistler Type 9393A Sensors
The highly condensed configuration of the Kistler Type 9393A has a diameter of 145 mm and a height of 190 mm with flange interfaces on both the sides, furnishing enhanced sensitivity for mechanical adjustments within various machineries.
The model is radially symmetrical in shape and has a central aperture for fixing the connecting rods or for incorporating it onto a press plunger. The units are available as a preloaded package, dispatched as a standard validated unit and can be fixed easily using the central rings provided for making axial modifications. An additional measurement functionality is enabled in the Kistler Type 9393A by the Swiss Calibration Service (SCS).
This unique piezoelectric sensor executes accurate recurrent calibrations over a wide electrical range permitting the specific press force sensing unit to be deployed within a broad range of purposes, coupling with an ideal ICAM Type 5073A amplifier. An overload shielding element of up to 100 is supplied upon employing the piezoelectric force sensing unit at a reduced calibration range, omitting the necessity of other preventive measures.