Halma PLC’s subsidiary Diba Industries, a USA-based company that offers custom design services and engineered fluid handling parts, has introduced the new level sensor called HydroPLuS.
Diba's HydroPLuS Level Sensor
The HydroPLuS can monitor the level of non-volatile fluids continuously. This feature makes it suitable for scientific and clinical applications. The patent pending pressure monitoring technology offers fluid level measurements with high precision and constancy.
The HydroPLuS can be used with any kind of vessel irrespective of its shape or material. It fits internally to offer continuous fluid level observation. The sensor has no moving parts, which provides superior dependability. The sensor is intended to function in both vacuum and pressurized applications.
The HydroPLuS provides precision liquid level measurement as it not reading the difference created by the foam. This in turn enables the sensor to be used within the container at the time of emptying or filling the vessel.