Onset Computer, a supplier of data loggers, has added the HOBO U26 Dissolved Oxygen data logger to its portfolio of water monitoring instruments. The new data logger is a self-contained unit designed for water quality monitoring applications. Water quality plays a crucial role in the health of aquatic life.
Onset announces the HOBO Dissolved Oxygen Data Logger, a self-contained logger that measures concentrations of oxygen in lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters. (Photo: Business Wire)
The device has the capability to measure concentrations of dissolved oxygen in coastal waters, estuaries, rivers, and lakes. Maintenance of this device is easy. It features the robustness and high accuracy of the optical rugged dissolved oxygen (RDO) basic sensor technology from In-Situ.
The data in the HOBO Dissolved Oxygen Logger can be offloaded to computers through an optical USB interface. Problems or failures due to mechanical connectors are avoided through this optical interface. The HOBO Waterproof Shuttle and the data logger are compatible with each other and they allow easy transportation and data retrieval even in wet environments. The HOBO Dissolved Oxygen logger has the capacity to maintain the calibrations for a period of six months. The sensor cap can be easily replaced. The low-cost device provides an accuracy of 0.2 mg/L.
Onset provides intuitive and powerful HOBOware Pro software for analyzing and graphing the data about the dissolved oxygen. The dissolved oxygen data assistant provides percent saturation data about the dissolved oxygen with adjustment for salinity. In order to address drift in high-fouling environments, the HOBOware software allows start-and-end point calibration. The data can also be exported to Microsoft Excel or other similar programs.