Balluff has introduced Micropulse Generation 7 linear position transducers with Rapid Replacement Module (RRM) option.
The Balluff RRM option allows quick field replacement without removing the pressure tube from the hydraulic cylinder, making field-level maintenance fast and easy.
The Balluff transducers are designed to provide dependable and precise position control signals. While linear potentiometers degrade over a period of time, the non-contact magnetostrictive technology employed by Balluff does not. Micropulse transducers are used in various types of automated machinery that require an absolute and continuous position signal.
The new RRM option enables quick replacement of electronics even in the field. The pressure tube need not be removed from the hydraulic cylinder. This system maintains the intactness of the hydraulic seal, and avoids any spillage of oil, which avoids any personnel from getting hurt from the hot oil. The RRM module also prevents entry of debris or dirt into the hydraulic port. Air bleeding is also not required.
The Micropulse Generation 7 linear position transducers with RRM are similar in dimensions to other standard rod-style transducers from Balluff. As the sensor package can be exchanged completely, it avoids troubleshooting. Further, the cartridges for replacement can be set into the standard pressure tubes. Environmental containment for the oil spillage is not necessary. The system is available for all types of BTL7 connectors and outputs.
Micropulse transducers are employed in many types of industries including, tire and rubber manufacturing, lumber, die casting, blow molding, plastic injection and the stamping press industry.