Drawing upon many years’ experience of designing and supplying liquid flowmeters to meet stringent OEM specifications - Titan Enterprises has produced an informative white paper 'How to specify liquid flowmeters'.

Accurate, reliable, cost effective flow measurement is more important today than it has ever been. However the optimal liquid flowmeter varies considerably according to a wide range of operational parameters including pipe bore, flow path, liquid viscosity, particulate levels, measurement accuracy, measurement dynamic range, maintenance and target purchase price.
In this 8-page white paper different styles of flowmeter (differential pressure, turbine, propeller, positive displacement, vortex, ultrasonic, electromagnetic and mass flow measurement) are discussed and their ease of application, limitations and other constraints detailed. Summarising the author includes an easy-to-use selection guide that takes 13 application examples charting them against 14 different types of flowmeter, highlighting the good, the bad, and the questionable techniques for each application.
To download a copy of this white paper please visit www.flowmeters.co.uk/PR2.php. To discuss the optimal flowmeter for your application in more detail please contact Titan Enterprises on +44-1935-812790 / [email protected].
With over 40 years’ experience in flowmeter innovation and manufacture, Titan's company philosophy of "pushing the envelope by trying to do things a little different and better" has resulted in sales of over 250,000 products into 40 countries worldwide and a repeat purchase rate of 95%. Today Titan supplies innovative flow measurement solutions to a broad range of market sectors, including medical, chemical, petrochemical, food and drink, laboratory and pharmaceutical. For further information please visit www.flowmeters.co.uk