Jun 11 2010
Yaacov Shoham, CEO of Jerusalem, Israel-based IDenta has released additional information related to IDenta’s activities in the U.S.
Identa explosive deetctors
Encino, Ca-based Jant Pharmacal has ceased to function as an exclusive company of the Identa Corp. However, Jant will continue its association with Identa in the role of a regular distributor related to the connections developed by them jointly as part of their four year agreement. Jant Pharmacal and Identa will focus on finalizing the option for signing a deal with private label company in Chicago.
Identa is currently in the final negotiating phase for signing a deal with a global marketing firm who will replace Jant in the field of Military and Homeland Security. The new firm has powerful positions and connections in South East Asia, the U.S. and Japan. During the last two months Identa had developed a connection with this firm.
This new deal will result in placing the products of Identa in the right place in the global market. Identa has already commenced working with the new firm even before inking the final agreement for penetrating new Federal agencies and PDs with a focus on the larger states.