Kistler Instruments, Stand 404, will be showing the latest version of its maXYmos TL process and part quality monitoring system with a wide range of compatible sensors. Building on the success of the maXYmos BL version, the maXYmos TL has increased capability with up to 8 XY channels and compatibility with a wide range of sensor types and communication protocols making it ideal for a variety of demanding process monitoring and product testing applications.
maXYmos TL HR
The maXYmos TL, TL standing for “Top Level”, may be used for the same simple force-displacement monitoring as the basic version but the extended functionality makes more challenging assembly and product testing applications well within its capability. The extensive functionality and straightforward operating concept using an intelligent touch screen menu system have been proved on the maXYmos BL. Key features of this high end XY monitor are more powerful evaluation techniques, a larger selection of connectable sensors, wide range of fieldbus types, expandability up to 8 pairs of XY-channels and a large (10.4"), high-resolution, colour touch screen display.
The fast data acquisition rate of 20kHz and cycle times down to 0.05 second, compatibility with a wide range of force, torque, pressure, position and angle sensors and communication with a number of different PLC types using Profibus DP, Ethernet/IP, PROFINET & EtherCAT connectivity provides the speed and flexibility demanded by current production methods and test regimes. The system can accept signal input from a wide selection of sources including strain gauge, piezoelectric and potentiometer sensors, +/-10V, LVDT, incremental and SSI encoders. The system analyses the relationship between any two inputs or one input against time and can be expanded to monitor up to eight XY pairs using one master display.