Some of the most important tasks in industrial metrology applications are contactless measurements of distances and displacements, the detection of vibration amplitudes of machine components and tools and the ultra-precise survey of rotationally symmetric parts.
New optical displacement sensor IDS3010
Fields of application are extremely versatile and range from ultra-precision machining to semiconductor technology.
These solutions should combine highest precision, speed, and reliability - while providing remote access and software maintenance from virtually anywhere on the planet.
attocube’s new high-sensitivity displacement sensor IDS3010 presents the perfect solution to satisfy these demanding requirements.
It by far surpasses the performance of other commercial interferometry subsystems in terms of accuracy, speed, compactness, and cost.
With its slim size the IDS can be directly integrated into machines for free-beam operation and is the product of choice for challenging OEM and synchrotron applications.
A passively cooled housing prevents contamination of optical and electrical components. For even more confined applications, sensor heads (the smallest one with only 1.2mm diameter) can be remotely operated and interconnected via glass fibers.
The IDS3010 revolutionizes the optical sensing market with superior technology and unmatched specifications: with a data acquisition bandwidth of 10 MHz, it allows the simultaneous detection of position variations of up to three targets with a stunning position resolution of 10-12m.
Despite its exceptional sensitivity, the sensor reaches working distances of more than 5 meters and is capable of tracking target velocities of up to 2 m/s. The three-axis design also enables ultraprecise measurements of angular variations and tilt effects of a target.
Due to an integrated webserver, the sensor can be aligned, initialized and (re-)configured remotely at any time. A broad spectrum of digital and analog real-time interfaces and protocols enables the simple transmission of position data to the receiver such as CNC controllers or RTOS computers.
The further support of the most common industrial networks such as CANopen, Profinet, Profinet RT, and EtherCAT enable the integration into broader industrial networks.
About attocube systems AG:
attocube was founded in 2001 and develops, produces and distributes a broad portfolio of ultra precise drive technology and measurement instrumentation for most challenging nanotechnology applications. Ground-breaking innovation of the Munich-based company was the development of highly compact nano positioning devices, which were - for the first time ever - adaptable for extreme conditions.
In addition, attocube develops scanning probe microscopes used in fundamental research and materials science. Another significant segment of the portfolio is attocube’s optical interferometry solutions offering picometer accuracy for various metrology applications.
attocube has already won prestigious prizes and awards, the most important ones being the Bavarian Innovation Award (2006), the German Award for Outstanding Entrepreneurs (2008), and the TOP100 Innovation Award (2013).