In a recent article published in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers introduced a novel Internet of Things (IoT) sensing platform designed for the cost-effective detection of fouling in industrial equipment.
Study: Cost-Effective IoT Platform for Fouling Detection. Image Credit: High Simple/
This platform utilizes helical propagation paths of ultrasonic guided waves (UGWs) for structural health monitoring, offering a wireless and battery-operatable solution for real-time monitoring of pipelines and similar structures. The primary focus is on developing a system that can detect fouling on pipe walls efficiently and accurately.
Traditional acquisition systems for monitoring structural health using ultrasonic-guided waves are often costly and limited to laboratory environments due to the complexity of signal generation and amplification. Additionally, deploying sensor arrays can be challenging in environments where access to the pipe is restricted by surrounding structures. These limitations highlight the need for a more cost-effective and practical solution for detecting fouling in industrial equipment.
The Current Study
The IoT sensing platform developed for detecting fouling in industrial equipment utilizes a wireless and battery-operable system that leverages the helical propagation paths of ultrasonic guided waves (UGWs).
The platform comprises multiple identical sensor units equipped with dedicated hardware for generating and receiving ultrasonic signals, as well as RF signals for triggering the sensors. This hardware configuration enables the system to conduct real-time monitoring and interactive sensing of pipelines and similar structures.
To ensure accurate sensing with a limited number of arbitrarily scattered sensors, the platform collects information from all sensor pairs and analyzes helical propagation paths in addition to the commonly used shortest paths. By evaluating these propagation paths, the system can effectively detect changes in signals caused by fouling on pipe walls.
UGWs propagate along pipeline walls, and their propagation velocity is directly influenced by the thickness of the waveguide and factors such as energy leakage and mass loading.
The sensor network is designed to continuously monitor fouling in industrial equipment, offering a cost-efficient solution for predictive maintenance. The individual sensor units are based on standard components to reduce costs and ensure compatibility with various ultrasound sensors. This design allows for the arbitrary placement of sensors based on the industrial environment rather than following a traditional fixed layout. The platform was validated in a laboratory setting, demonstrating its capability to localize fouling proxies attached to steel pipes.
Building upon previous work, the signal generation and acquisition circuits of the sensor units were redesigned for improved performance, and a wireless triggering method was incorporated to enhance operational efficiency. The network of sensors, consisting of identical units, was configured to detect and distinguish different fouling locations on pipe walls. The data produced by the network of sensors was analyzed to accurately localize fouling and provide detailed insights into the condition of the industrial equipment.
Results and Discussion
The evaluation of the IoT sensing platform for detecting fouling in industrial equipment produced promising results. The system demonstrated its capability to distinguish between various fouling cases and accurately detect fouling on pipe walls. By analyzing the impact of fouling on distinct wave packets, the platform successfully localized the fouling phantom, proving its effectiveness in monitoring and detecting fouling in industrial settings.
Data analysis from the sensor network revealed the system's reliability in identifying signal variations caused by fouling. This highlights its ability to detect changes in signal amplitudes associated with fouling accumulation. Furthermore, the platform achieved fouling localization by comparing signal amplitudes with the geometry of the setup. This indicates its potential for localizing more complex fouling configurations using advanced data analysis techniques, such as machine learning models.
The wireless and battery-operated nature of the IoT sensing platform offers significant advantages for continuous monitoring of industrial equipment on a large scale. The capability to power the sensor units with batteries makes the platform suitable for long-term pipeline monitoring without needing readily available power supplies. Additionally, the wireless configuration and data transfer streamline the platform's integration into existing infrastructure, reducing dependency on supporting hardware and enhancing operational efficiency.
In conclusion, the study presents a cost-efficient and wireless IoT sensor platform that can detect fouling on pipe walls by monitoring ultrasonic signals. The platform's main advantage lies in its ability to be powered by batteries, making it suitable for long-term monitoring of pipelines without readily available power supplies.
The wireless configuration and data transfer further simplify the integration of the platform into existing infrastructure, reducing the need for additional supporting hardware. Overall, the IoT sensing platform offers a practical and efficient solution for detecting fouling in industrial equipment.
Journal Reference
Korsimaa, J., Weber, M., Salminen, P. et al. (2024). Wireless and battery-operatable IoT platform for cost-effective detection of fouling in industrial equipment. Scientific Reports 14, 14084.,