After months of work spent in development, CAS DataLoggers is proud to announce its new Accsense VersaLog product line of simple stand-alone data loggers complete with alarm outputs.
Providing high speed, high-resolution measurements, these precision dataloggers are a powerful yet low-cost solution for your real time temperature monitoring and alarming needs. Accsense VersaLog recorders commonly feature 7-8 channels for accurate monitoring in laboratory conditions, medical refrigerators, incubators, and more. These incredibly cost-effective models are available to log temperature/humidity and current/voltage, along with a thermocouple and ambient temperature version. With easy to use operation and powerful Windows analysis and plotting software, these dataloggers are ideal for unattended data recording and storage.
Accsense VersaLog data loggers utilize a 16-bit analog-to-digital (ADC) converter enabling precise and accurate measurements. These devices also support USB, Serial port and Ethernet connections for easy local and remote access so you can quickly stay on top of any changes in your data.
The new Accense VersaLog data logger.
Simple & Reliable Operation
Accsense VersaLog data loggers feature a wide sampling interval range from 20 milliseconds to 12 hours (LRHT-1/2 from 1 second to 12 hours), providing an alternative to expensive data acquisition devices and paper chart recorders. These portable battery powered data loggers allow recording information and saving measurements to a 4MB flash memory for later retrieval.
The internal lithium battery provides up to 5 years (for temp/RH combo model)/10 years (for all other models) of instantaneous logging operation when sampling at interval of once every minute. Additionally, Accsense VersaLog data loggers are designed with a rugged, splash-resistant aluminum enclosure, and their internal electronics are protected against moisture by a conformal coating. The dataloggers have both TTL-compatible serial port and USB interface for different communications requirements. Additionally, VersaLog's small size makes for flexible deployment just about anywhere.
Affordable Alarming
Accsense VersaLog data loggers provide alarm outputs controlled by the low and high programmable alarm thresholds of each enabled channel. The alarm control outputs can be used to turn on/off external alarm devices such as strobe lights, sirens or alarm telephone dialers.
Cost-Effective Combo Loggers
Our Humidity and Temperature Data Logger records on 2 channels simultaneously powered by its Sensirion high performance RH digital sensor. This specialty logger is especially ideal for science and laboratory applications where precise and accurate measurement is critical.
Additionally, you can use our Voltage and Current Data Logger with 7 range-programmable voltage and current external input channels to cover wide measurement requirements. This logger has a 10-yr battery life making it a great low-maintenance solution.
User-Friendly Software
Accsense VersaLog data loggers can be setup and configured by the SiteView Windows software for data downloading, property configuration, and data analyzing and plotting. This PC-based application combines an intuitive graphic interface to give you access to powerful functionalities, fitting both novice and advanced users. SiteView's fast communication speed (up to 115200 bps) enables quick downloads, while multiple file loading makes it easy to compare your data. Many other options are available including zoom in/out, annotate/label graph functions, and viewing of dynamic statistics to give you more detailed information of the current zoomed view.
The versatility of custom equation and custom-line equation solve scientific and laboratory algorithm difficulties, and SiteView also features real-time viewing and chart recording capabilities which replace chart recording devices.
Unmatched Value
Featuring 8 channels, 4MB memory, and powerful software, Accsense VersaLog data loggers form the perfect answer for your monitoring and alarming projects, no matter how simple or complex. With accuracy you can trust and a low cost per channel compared to other devices on the market, they fit easily into almost any budget and offer dependable hassle-free operation. CAS DataLoggers Sales Manager Pete Martin comments: “Our new Accsense VersaLog recorders offer a high accuracy long-term solution, and their ease of use has made them popular with many customers from engineers to anyone looking to get into datalogging for their own projects. They’re a great value for the price."
About CAS Data Loggers
CAS DataLoggers has the most comprehensive selection of data logging equipment available anywhere. As one of the largest distributors of data loggers in North America, we have hundreds of different models from more than 16 manufacturers to satisfy almost any data recording application. With models from 1 to 300 channels we can record temperature, humidity, force/strain, pressure, as well as voltage, current, or almost any signal.
Our data loggers are used in a wide variety of applications in remote monitoring, in industrial process and manufacturing industries, for automotive and aerospace data collection, in pharmaceutical manufacturing and storage, and in geological and environmental monitoring. We have even flown units on the Space Shuttle and ISS (International Space Station)!
If you're not sure which logger might be best for your application, speak with one of our Applications Specialists at 1-800-956-4437 and we can help you select the best logger for your project. With the expert knowledge and experience to back up our products, we also provide value-added services including FREE post-sales technical support and calibration services.
To get more information on our new Accsense VersaLog data loggers with models recording temperature, humidity, voltage, and current, or to find the ideal solution for your specific project, contact a CAS Data Logger Applications Specialist at (800) 956-4437 or visit the website at