The Problem
High numbers of tank farms are ‘sticking’ tanks in order to ascertain their total level and interface levels, while obtaining separate temperature measurements for their oil storage tanks. Not only is this method time consuming, but it is costly and does not always guarantee that measurements are accurate.
Tank farms that utilize traditional float level devices are susceptible to inaccurate readings from faulty floats or coatings. As oil field resources become more and more expensive, a more reliable means of measuring level and temperature is required.
The Solution
Thankfully, the DM231 magnetostrictive level system with new Multi-Modbus from Drexelbrook offers an ideal solution to this problem.
The instrument’s digital communication output offers operators measurement readings for total level, interface level and also product temperature. The span of the device accommodates 5 separate temperature readings to provide an average temperature and, perhaps more crucially, an exact temperature for the stored oil.
The DM231’s Multi-Modbus can support a range of data type configurations including Floating Point, Integer and Long Integer in any byte order – for example Little Endian and Big Endian. It is also capable of supporting the ENRON Modbus format.
Metric and Imperial units of measurement are available via either an ASCII or RTU operations mode.
The DM231 magnetostrictive liquid level sensor offers a level accuracy of +/- 0.01 % and a temperature accuracy of +/- 1 °F. The probe and floats are made of 316 SST. Additionally, it is Explosion Proof for Class 1, Div. 1 installations.
Installation is exceptionally simple with no need for calibration – users just need to mount the DM231 level sensor within their application and it will work right away.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Drexelbrook.
For more information on this source, please visit Drexelbrook.